Wednesday, April 9, 2008

What's the big deal with W.O.W

It's funny how you can go your whole life knowing that something exists, but never really giving it a second thought until one day (or within a span of a couple of days), it seems like all you hear about is this weird non-existent, totally random thing. This kind of thing happens to me all the time it seems like.

Recently this weird, random thing has been World of Warcraft, also known to the legions as WOW. Now, I've never played WOW (never been one for any type of video game except Guitar Hero, Tetris, and Super Mario Brothers), but I've heard a lot about it from my 'nerdy' friends. Now those of my 'nerdy' friends reading this, don't get offended....I consider myself quite 'nerdy' too (it's a good thing)! I guess World of Warcraft is like the computer version of Dungeons and Dragons (also another game I've never played).

Anyway, between yesterday and Monday, I've been asked if I play World of Warcraft like 4 times by complete strangers - totally at random. First while I was at the Apple store, getting my macbook fixed, 2 of the mac geniuses asked me and then again the check-out guy at Safeway. ', do you play World of Warcraft?'.....whaaaatt? And then today, my co-worker brought it up completely out of the blue. Either, it's becoming an extremely popular game that EVERYONE but me is now playing or I've just come into contact with more than the usual amount of nerdlings. Weird.


  1. ok, your top video games are mine too :) i'm surprised we never had all night marathons of tetris when we lived together. dr. mario is one of my favorites too (like tetris but even better).

  2. Asia Asia Asia.... you are out of the loop. Time to beef up on modern games and stop living retro. Unless by living in a retro universe you are into records. Records are cool.

  3. Dude the fact that you're not into WOW is a good thing. I'm an avid gamer with all console and pc/mac but when I tried WOW for a month I couldn't see the appeal - it's a really poor game where nothing much happens for long periods and you're forced to play with strangers online - no structure, no appeal and waaaay to geeky for a nerd like me....give me Baldur's Gate any day!
